High Sierra on a Mac Pro 2008, technically the last officially supported version of macOS for the Early 2008 Mac Pro is El Capitan. However this does appear to be a software cutoff point rather than an issue with the hardware required to run it.
Rebuilding my 2008 Mac Pro, it’s almost 10 years old and has languished for the last year hidden behind boxes, under powered and forgotten, it was time it had an upgrade and I fixed some of the destructive maintenance that had been done to it over the years.
Having been recently diagnosed with a manageable but ongoing health condition, I have been thinking more about relaxation and taking a bit better care of myself, not something that is unusual in the circumstances.
IPv6 inbound KVM issues caused some head scratching but ultimately lead to a solution, networking is tricky and often frustrating, but a little perseverance / angry googling can pay dividends.
Scarlet my wonderful wife had a much more interesting gaming history to me, being a proud owner of a ColecoVision back in the day. Well proceeding my MSX ownership, and lets not get into the Amiga ownership…